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Daf Yomi
Begin the day with the Daf.

Sun, 7:00 AM
Mon - Fri 6:00 AM
with Dr. Alan Goldman and Mr. BZ Levovitz 
Located in the Annette Adler Young Adult Beit Medrash (masked and distanced)
Over Zoom 
Meeting ID 986 7194 8321
Passcode  yilctorah

Mon-Thu, 8:30 PM
with Boruch Gross
Join over Zoom. Meeting ID: 465 079 8010

Shabbat, 7:30 AM located in the Gluck-Gelnick Beit Medrash.

Amud Yomi
Mon- Fri, 7:00 AM Rabbi Gershon Kramer leads a 30 - 40 minute Shiur, covering the Amud, with explanations and practical applications. 

Join over Zoom (weekdays only)
Meeting ID: 668 402 0367
Passcode: Halb523


Mishna Yomi 

Join Dr. Shalom Huberfeld to learn 2 mishnayot daily.  Join the Whatsapp Group Chat

YILC Daily Dvar Torah

Daily inspiration from our kehila for our kehila.   Join the Whatsapp Group Chat

To sponsor a shiur please submit the following form.


Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785