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The Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst was formed in 1963 under the leadership of Rabbi Nuchim Kornmehl zt"l, and was originally located at 26 Columbia in Cedarhurst, just one block away from its current location.

The Shul, dedicated to the observance of Jewish law while participating in and contributing to secular society, was and remains committed to the philosophy of religious Zionism.

The Shul remained in that location until the mid 1980's. At that time, there was  tremendous growth in the number of observant Jews in the area, and the membership increased dramatically. At the same time, the Shul hired Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum as an assistant Rav to Rabbi Kornmehl, serving to widen its membership base.

After securing the property on the corner of Spruce and Broadway, a new Shul was built in 1986.  The Shul continued its growth, and in 1993 and again in 2005,  expanded its building, and now has, among other things, four Sanctuaries, a full youth center with classrooms, a large library and catering facilities. 

When Rabbi Kornmehl passed away in 1992, Rabbi Teitelbaum was elected to the position of the Morah D’asra of the Young Israel and served until 2021 when he became Rabbi Emeritus and relocated to Israel.  Rabbi Ya'akov Trump, having been an assistant rabbi to Rabbi Teitelbaum assumed the role of Morah D'asra in 2021.

Today, under the leadership of our Morah D'asra, Rabbi Ya'akov Trump, the Young Israel remains a mainstay of Judaism in the Lawrence-Cedarhurst area, serving a membership of over 440 families. 

Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785